In Germany, the Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung (GmbH), i.e. the equivalent of the English [limited liability company] is the most popular company form, which inspires confidence in customers and has become the favourite form of company for those with serious business intentions. Visit us in Berlin and we help you in Company Registration in Germany!
How much does it cost to SetUp a Gmbh? – 2.500 EUR
The minimum share capital of the German GmbH is EUR 25,000-, amount to be paid by the general manager into the company’s bank account, whereas the bank receipt certifying the deposit is to be attached to the registration application, which will be checked by the company register. Delayed payment of the share capital can be solved in some cases when the general manager makes a declaration as to the existence of the required capital in cash. If you dont have time to wait months to get TAX Number, we recommend you to visit our German Shelf Company Services, and we suggest to Buy a Ready Made Company in Germany from Ku&Co.
Such a share capital statement we would readily prepare on request for those who would rather not deposit the EUR 25,000 in the account at the time of founding. However, later on, the tax office may request to present the amount or its depositing within a bank account. The capital contribution may be in cash or in kind. Yet, it is especially difficult to bring the in-kind contribution into the company, as the property, the vehicle or other assets intended to be brought in should be assessed by an official valuer. Our office does not establish companies with in-kind contribution!
True to its name, for its activities, the Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung is responsible with the company’s assets, i.e. with at least EUR 25,000-. This is precisely the amount that represents a guarantee for the partners, who then gladly conclude contracts with a GmbH.
The registration process, i.e. the company founding in Germany takes up between 1 – 3 weeks and one should know that as of the signing and authenticating of the articles of association the corporation exists as a pre-association, as a company prior to establishment, respectively, becoming yet a legal entity as of registration resolution issuance, being able to invoice as of tax number attaining.
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A limited liability company may be established even by a single private individual, however another company may also be a founding member, whereas its general manager must be a natural person. The nationality of the founding member/ managing director of the GmbH is irrelevant, since anyone from any country can set up a German limited liability company, any foreigner Non-Resident person can setup a GmbH however, as a matter of fact, in case of no German nationals or in case of no residents of Germany the allocation of the tax number is rather slow and the general manager must answer several questions of the tax office, as compared to a person from Germany. Due to the slowness of the founding process we recommend our German companies for sale to our customers.
The founding members and managing directors will have to sign the following before the notary:
- Articles of association
- Specimen signature
- General manager´s statement