Buy from our Ku & Co. Wirtschaftskanzlei a ready – made, VAT registered Slovak company, disposing of a pink tax card for only EUR 4,900! Transcription period between 5 – 10 business days!
Our Range of Services Offered:
- ready – made pink card possessing Slovak company selling
- registered office service in Komárno
- English – speaking Slovak accountant
- consultancy
- legal services from a qualified Lawyer
Taxation in Slovakia
- corporate tax: 21%
- distribution tax as of 2017: 7%
- VAT: 20%
- minimum wage: EUR 350.
Our Prices
Pink card and EU tax number possessing, VAT registered Slovak LLC: EUR 4,900.
This amount encompasses the following:
- company purchase price
- notary costs
- registry court and Chamber of Commerce tax
- 6 months registered office service in Bratislava
- our fee
- accounting fee starting with EUR 80 per month.
Necessary Documents for Buying a Slovak Ready – Made LLC
- a valid identity card
- the address card
- the official Slovak translation of a 30 days not older certificate of good conduct
If you are interested to have company in different EU-countries, see our following Services:
Buy German Shelf Company and Ready Made Company for sale in Germany
Buy Shelf Company in Hungary or Ready Made Company in Poland
What to Pay Attention to when Buying a Ready – Made Corporation?
Pink vs. White Tax Card
When buying a ready – made Slovak company be sure to check whether or not the business disposes of a complete VAT registration, as in Slovakia there are two types of VAT registration (DPH):
- the pink tax card encompasses the complete VAT registration, being suitable for its owner to claim the value added tax refund of their products and services
- the white tax card is a partial VAT registration, the owner of which cannot claim any value added tax refund
Therefore, businessmen are cautioned against white tax card companies, as they will not be suitable for implementing their business plans. Corporations with white tax cards are offered by service providers at very affordable prices and because of their low price, customers choose this type of venture with predilection, not being aware of the fact that there are two kinds of tax cards!
Misleading is also the fact that the tax number on the white tax card also begins with the SK prefix and appears in the European VIES – system as a valid tax number.
Usually, after the first value added tax return do customers get surprised upon the official request of the tax office, in which the company is called upon by the Slovak Tax and Customs Administration to pay the VAT content of the net purchases.
However, the KuCo offers their customers the purchase of only pink carded ready – made Slovak companies which are eligible for the EU VAT – free trade, as well as for the value added tax refund within Slovakia.
Contact us with confidence in case you are planning on buying a ready – made Slovak enterprise!
Our law firm in Komárno, a few kilometers from the Hungarian border, having over a decade of attorney expert knowledge and company management experience welcomes our Hungarian customers!